Regular attendance is required by the California State Education Code and essential for student success
Students must attend school punctually and regularly (A.C. Title V Section 64.)
Students shall remain on school grounds during the entire day unless granted permission to leave by authorized personnel (A.C. Title V Section 63.)
Students who are ill should not attend school until they are well
Any child running a fever should not be sent to school until his/her temperature has been normal for 24 hours
- Parents should notify the office before 8:30 a.m. each day their child is absent
- Students are required to provide validation for health reasons (A.C. Title V Section 306.)
- When calling (408) 423-4111 provide the following:
- Teacher name
- Date of and the reason for the absence
- Caller’s name and relationship to student
- Phone number where the caller can be reached during the day
Late Arrivals/Tardies
- Children arriving after 8:30 a.m. must report to the office for an admission slip
- Students with frequent tardies or absences are reported to the District’s School Attendance and Review Board (SARB.)
Extended Absences
- Extended absences from school are highly discouraged
- Parents must notify the office at least one week prior to an extended absence
- Students with more than ten consecutive absences may be disenrolled
(408) 423-4111
For absences, please provide the following:
- Teacher name
- Date of and the reason for the absence
- Caller’s name and relationship to student
- Phone number where the caller can be reached during the day